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World Transplant Games - forecast.

The weather forecast for the largest single event to promote awareness for Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplant Awareness is currently good! ⛅️

The hope is the gathering of around 1500 transplant recipients from 46 countries will inspire discussion amongst families around Australia about what they would say when confronted with the loss of a loved one and a request for consent to the donation of their organs to save the lives of strangers.

As 1 of around 181 Australian Recipients proudly representing my Donor Hero, their family and my Country, I want to acknowledge that without living Donors, Deceased Donors & Their Families, amazing medical care and world class medical research into organ transplants these games would not be possible.

Thanks also must go to the Australian Federal Government for the $1.6million given to the organisers of this $4milion+ event, the city of Perth and the WA government.

Surely there will be a significant increase in the rate of Next of Kin Consent in all states and territories around Australia in the coming months as the impact of the games is felt. Especially in WA were NOK consent rates are at just 50%.

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