I understand Administrators are busy, but the application I submitted for the role for Director, Communications & Engagement at the Organ & Tissue Authority ( DonateLife) was one that I believed met the criteria as set out in the Job Description and was supported by suitable qualifications and experience.
My own life experience and the achievements I have been able to be either directly accredited or have had substantial involvement in since January 2022, starting just weeks after receiving my miraculous transplant, would also be unmatched by any other applicant.
www.transplantadvocacy.com is one example of my recent work and my achievements in the area of increasing awareness for Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplant Awareness.
It demonstrates how I have been able to reach out across Australia to establish relationships with federal and state politicians of all political persuasions and with not for profit groups and charities across the entire Transplant Journey both in Australia and internationally.
When announcements are made of some ground breaking initiatives that drive registrations for organ donors beyond any initiative undertaken in Australia to date the impact of my advocacy will become evident.
The formation of the NSW friends of Parliament for Organ and Tissue Donations and Transplant Awareness, the introduction of legislation in SA for posthumous recognition and the ability for families to celebrate their loved ones Donation or a letter from The WA Chief Health Officer to DonateLIfe, Transplant Australia and Donor Families Australia are just 3 examples I can point to. I truly think a rejection email, simply stating the quality of candidates was strong with no detail on where my application fell short is inadequate.
I have respectfully requested more information on where my skills, experience or lived journey engaging key stakeholders across Australia falls short when compared to other applicants.
As of today OTA have not responded.
Robert Manning
Forever grateful recipient & Passionate Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplant Awareness Advocate.
I have now been told by OTA that my one page pitch was too broad. This is despite them providing the wrong contact number for applicants to seek clarity before submitting applications and also not returning calls on the Monday morning after applications closed.
The vacancy was posted on Friday 21st October and Applications closed Sunday 23rd October. interesting approach, no?