Not the movie!
I have publicly raised concerns both of my personal experiences and Stories of first hand examples relayed to me of bullying and intimidation by executives at Transplant Australia.
I have asked questions of the existing Board and new appointees.
I was encouraged when I received a message from a new appointee indicating a willingness to discuss and listen to concerns raised by members. (they know who they are).
How disappointed I was then to see the pattern of denial and bullying continue when another of the newly appointed board members start exhibiting similar bullying tactics.
Commenting on public posts I had made and then blocking me to appear anonymous. Hardly behaviour you would expect from someone joining an organisation with a history blocking members who raise concerns.
I know I can be determined and persistent in my approach in raising awareness of matters I am passionate about.
But this doesn’t give me any hope that the appointments will lead to a different direction for TA.
(Mean Girls is a 2004 American teen comedy film directed by Mark Waters, written by Tina Fey, and starring Lindsay Lohan.