Whether it's the "little bear who left their heart behind to save another bears life and became an Angel Bear, or the touching true story of Zaidee Turner, powerful yet sensitive stories can convey beautiful messages about the gift of life. It could be other stories like "A Gift Before I Go" written with little people in mind that help raise community awareness about Organ Donation and life saving transplants.
Why do we need to wait until our kids are in Year 10 to broach the subject?
Sadly many families will have already had to answer the question of consent for the gift of life.
If you have taken you kids to see "Finding Nemo" or remember the Disney story of Bambi from your own childhood, you know that kids are confronted by loss and recovery from an early age. If they have owned a pet, lost a grand parent or worse, they are exposed to death as a part of life.
Such stories, as mentioned above, give children and their parents the tools to broach sensitive subjects and learn that HOPE can come from GRIEF.
The introduction of Organ Donation to senior schools is a great start but to reverse the trends being experienced in Australia we must explore approaches with younger people and families so the conversations can be had at home and not in the hospital ICU waiting rooms or emergency departments.
I was inspired to write this by some beautiful people who have shared their stories with me. Michael, Allan, Leah and Victoria - Thank you 🎽🙏 🌈✋🧸👼