Sunday 27 November 2022 is a milestone in turning the trend of falling Organ and tissue donation.
By sending a simple email to the 5.52million users of the Service NSW app, NSW becomes one of the world leaders in innovation to drive awareness of organ donation and life saving transplants. In an amazingly effective way, NSW will start conversations with over 5 million people over the age of 16 about organ donation.
Since 2012, when the National registry replaced driver's license registration as a way of consenting to organ and tissue donation, this is possibly the single most impactful and innovative approach to get people talking about and more importantly registering to be Organ and Tissue Donors.
There are so many people to thank.
The NSW Parliamentary Friends of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplant Awareness.
The Group's CoChairs David Mehan and Adam Crouch.
Minister Victor Dominello and his team.
The Gremmo Foundation
And everyone else advocating for greater awareness for Organ and Tissue Donation.
Keep an eye on your Services app in your state as Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland explore similar initiatives to circumvent the cost and lengthy timeframes associated with returning registration to the Driver License.