Money is being wasted whilst lives are lost! 😢
Does organ donation and transplant need more money spent on sporting teams and expensive ad campaigns that don’t deliver the promised results?
Year on year, even before COVID hit as a pandemic, NEXT OF KIN CONSENT was in decline!
DonateLife has spent millions of taxpayer dollars on trying to get people to register their intent to be a deceased organ donor. Yet the needle on donations and Transplants isn't moving ahead at the same pace as others countries. This is despite improved medical technology and amazing surgical care.
Every potential gift of life through a deceased organ donation requires
In Australia the rate of families willing to give this consent is amongst the lowest in the world compared to Europe and the Americas.
Federal and state governments need to review the end to end process associated with Organ Donation.
Legislation, Education and Communications need to be reviewed as does the expenditure of precious tax payer and generous donor money.
When funds are allocated to enable sporting events for recipients and professional sporting clubs under the guise of promoting donation yet the families of donors need laws changed so they can celebrate their loved one's' contributions to saving lives with our being prosecuted - we need to ask "what are the priorities?"
It is hard for people who make their living from arranging advertising campaigns and sponsorship deals to consider that there may be more effective ways to increase awareness.
Some people who are paid for their work in this field are threatened by advocacy by groups who seek real change through voluntary contributions of time and passion. Efforts by peak bodies to silence or contain work being done efficiently and effectively, are real.
I will be attending the World Transplant Games cover the cost of my Travel and Accommodation from my own pocket. I also will continue to promote the OTA's annnual DonateLife Week. I acknowledge there may be some good that will come from these activities.
More importantly, I will voluntarily help promote Donor Heroes Night for Donor Families Australia and Jersey Day for the Gremmo foundation. I will push Zadies Foundation and the great work by A Gift Before I Go, Sharelife Australia and the Transplant Network.
Groups like The Australian Tissue Donation Network, The Herd of Hope, The Sweetest Gift, Kidney Health Australia, Heart Kids, Liver Kids, The Gift of Life and so many others do so much great work with little or no federal funding.
We need to review this sector!
