It is very pleasing to see that the feedback and focus of my advocacy is resonating.
For a year now, since receiving my life saving transplant, which I will be forever grateful, I have advocated passionately for increased awareness for Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplants.
One of my most strident efforts has focused on NEXT OF KIN CONSENT.
Without Next of Kin Consent a life can not be saved through organ and tissue donations.
For too long the Organ and Tissue Authority through DonateLife have focussed on increasing registration which has not moved the needle upwards in the number of transplants.
A deceased organ donation can only take place with Next of Kin Consent.
Without it a transplant can not happen.
This is the single most important message from OTA and MUST be a bigger focus in 2023 and beyond if the declining rates of donation are to be reversed.
