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Writer's pictureRobert Manning

ACT leading again!

When Tara Cheyne, Minister for Human Rights, in the ACT, worked to introduce the ability for deceased Canberran donors to be recognised posthumously in 2021, a big step was taking in increasing the awareness around the importance of Next of Kin Consent in life saving Organ and Tissue Donations.

Enabling families to celebrate the selflessness and kindness of their loved one's gift of life, gives next of kin hope and a sense that their loss provided life to others and eases their grieving just a little.

Now in another positive endeavour to raise awareness and increase the number of lives saved through Organ and Tissue Donation, the ACT has introduced a prominent message on the Access Canberra website.

The work of Tara and the team supporting this latest initiative need to be congratulated.

Well done 👍

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